Our Corporate Social Investment (CSI)
Inkosi DMC prides itself in being an active citizen in the community and environment in which it
operates. We practice sustainable travel through empower local communities who in turn improve their
livelihoods and have pride of place. Such communities are integral to our operations as we aim to not
only serve, but to inspire.
Our ongoing social responsibility projects:
Shabalala Interpretation Of Culture Centre

The Shabalala Interpretation of Culture is located in the heart of the Kruger Lowveld region’s adventurecapital, Hazyview. The centre is also a stone throw away from the world-famous Kruger National Park’sPhabeni Gate. We have a focus of preserving heritage and sharing traditions with the world. Throughinterpretation, storytelling, music, dance and cuisine, one is bound to leave feeling richer.The Centre offers immersive experiences into fascinating cultures of the Zulu, Tsonga, Swati and Sothotribes. There is also a Marimba band that offers joyful performances reminiscent of days gone by. Whatstarted as a gathering of a few youths during the Covid-19 pandemic with the idea of creating a meansof sharing their respective cultures grew into them holding hands with the community in creating dancetroupes and roping in their elders to impart succinct African culture. Such sharing of heritage also meansthat the generation of today also realizes the role of nurturing tourism sustainably and also preservingfauna, flora and wildlife for future generations. This initiative has brought joy to the residents ofShabalala as the Centre has become a flagship of the preservation of their culture and heritage and hasalso enabled economic activity in the area. Crafters from the community are welcome to display theirwares at Shabalala for when we have guests. Our dancers are the youth from the local community.

Hazyview Cleaning Campaign

Initiated by our director, Goodman Nkosi, this cleaning campaign was started as a means of reviving thetourism town as it is a key gateway to our iconic Kruger National Park. Keeping the roads clean is notonly for tourists that visit the area, but also our communities who use the road on a daily basis. Thisproject’s backbone lies in the volunteering of individuals and other like-minded tourism companies andthe support of the community who are given meals after a day’s hard work.